
Nothin' But Neat

NBA free throw percentages have remained startlingly consistent over the years. The same is true for one the league's premiere shooters, Ray Allen, whose pregame routine borders on the obsessive. This article, published during last year's Playoffs, indicates a meticulous and methodical Allen: at home, on the court, and in the parking lot. His success, however, has little to do with focus or determination. Instead, Allen is driven by a defenseless self resolve to have things nice and tidy. The following excerpt is something I've longed to hear from someone I so greatly admire.

This is how Ray Allen's mind works. If there is a speck of paper on the floor in his house, he cannot walk by without picking it up. He has tried. He has purposely marched up the stairs without correcting the glaring imperfection, but he's unable to eliminate the image from his mind until he goes back down, throws the scrap in the wastebasket, and restores order in his home.

Allen's willingness to openly discuss his organizational eccentricities, brings me comfort and inspires me to continue to battle my own demons of disorder.

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