

Looking for a comedy of cultures? Presidents Obama and Sarkozy are a good start. Watching these two pal around on the international scene is kind of like watching the rebirth of Detectives Roger Murtaugh and Martin Riggs. By the end of Obama's first term, I'm sure the two will have partnered on any number of global issues that involve climate change, the world economy, and Gary Busey. But for sociologists interested more in domestic urbanity than action comedy, go no further than Madison, Wisconsin. Long a city known for its small town values and liberal leaning pomp and circumstance, the state capitol has recently seen a significant influx of minorities in and around its city limits that is leaving area Caucasians baffled and uncomfortable by strange, new behaviors. Stuff like sitting on porches, or walking on the sidewalk in groups, especially if you're a young person, is, like, totally creepy. It's reason enough to call the cops. Especially in those neighborhoods where outside contact is limited to yard work and garage sales.

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