
The Answer My Friend, Is Blowing in the Wind

The next time someone asks you what is the worst movie you have ever seen, answer the Happening and then kill yourself. With aspirations as the green generation's de facto b-movie telling of eco-terrorism, the Happening rather is a tedious mish-mash of bizarre tone, gobbly-goo science talk, eccentric side characters, senseless plot points and a foolish scene where would-be rural survivalists gather in a 50's roadside diner and watch a newsreport of a zookeeper willingly ripped apart in a bear pit - on their iPhones, no less! I'm making this film sound entertaining. It isn't. It's just another plunge from the promise director M. Night Shyamalan once showed in films like Unbreakable and Signs. The Happening's only mercy is a relatively brief 88 minute run time, which is still a complete and total waste of everyone's time. Avoid this movie! Or watch it as a public service to warn others.

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