
40 Acre Sh*t

Spike Lee is not an easy man. Thematically, his films are always an uncompromising look at communities of color at play within a predominately White world. Never has a filmmaker divided so many audiences among racial lines. This is exactly what makes his place in cinema history so vastly important.

To illustrate, scenes from Do the Right Thing (1989) and 25th Hour (2003) - two of Spike's best. During pivotal moments in each movie, Spike calls a timeout, allowing his characters to address the audience through monologues beginning in hate and ending in self-conscious reprimand, common in Spike Lee Joints.


JDot said...

Is there a white version of Spike Lee? And if so wouldn't his position be widely considered racist?

gdub said...

Some already consider Spike racist. I think he's just angry.

the scene in do the right thing where danny aiello screams, nigger was quite controverisal. especially between aiello and spike.

Aiello didn't think his character was racist and thereby would not use that word. spike was adament that he would.

given the context of the scene and the hour and a half that preceeds it, i think his use of the word doesn't stem from any prevalant racist foundation. i think its more a sub-consious reaction that is in all of us.

the white version of spike lee is tim hennessy. he hates the white man just as much as lee.

JDot said...

Hennessy + GDub = Spike & Denzel.

gdub said...

nice one!