
Copycat Shit

I've exhausted the topic on Yeah, I Figured That Much, but I can't resist the New York Times' dissection of the look of "the modern public apology." Here's a taste:

"The look, for him: a dark suit, starched white shirt, red, white and blue striped tie. The look, for her: a powder–blue jacket, pearl necklace, matching earrings. This, it seems, is the uniform for the modern public apology. It was worn, with eerie, down–to–the–last–detail resemblance, by Gov. Eliot Spitzer of New York and his wife, Silda, and Gov. James McGreevey of New Jersey and his wife, Dina, when the couples first confronted allegations of marital impropriety."

A wardrobe for malfunction! Get dressed here.

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