
Sure As Shit

Much was made last week about Barack Obama's supposed elitist, arrogant demeanor. John McCain released a preposterous attack ad likening Obama to out-of-touch celebrities, more fit to win a popularity contest than govern a nation.

The US news media, once an adoring ally, began editorializing Obama's campaign aloofness and increasingly short supply of reporter patience. The now presumptuous democratic nominee did little to dispel such notions, giving a series of speeches intended to outline his plan for American resurrection and rescue. Instead they sounded self-indulgent, back-handed, and self serving. As a friend observed, "America may go from one president who could barely speak to one that speaks too much."

Obama surely appears enamored with his delivery. He relishes the talking point; buttering them with an emphatic vocal crescendo more concerned with spectacle than content. Ever since shaking off Hillary, his public persona has been boastful, smug, and far too complimentary. Which has humanized McCain. Shocking considering McCain's history of rage. But now Barack barks louder. Something that will undoubtedly hurt him with middle and rural America who prefer a president approachable.

Is Obama elitist? Probably not. But I do think he fancies himself something of a savior. Our times need one. But his message of change gets muddled frequently through poor execution. He comes off as a prick. I wonder if he even selects a running mate. His ego is probably big enough to fill the ticket.

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