
Toy Soldiers

While in Milwaukee, I made a costly mistake by walking into Hot Pop. What's Hot Pop? Hot Pop is a high priced trend store surrounded by other high priced trend stores. What do they sell? All they sell is irresistible urban pop playthings. Cute and delicious and with machine guns. And everything is expensive and nothing is needed. But you must have everything you see and are willing to pay whatever it takes. The economies of scale apparently favor small scale Japanese inspired pop monsters. Like Mozzarella and her boyfriend, Bulleto. Mozzarella and Bulleto are members of the Moofia, an underground cattle collective with piercings and really big guns, hell bent on protecting kids and their milk money from lunchroom bullies.

Mozzarella and Bulleto, however, have no problem whatsoever taking money from impulsive senseless sap suckers passing by toy stores on payday. Guilty as charged.

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