
Porn Stars

Kevin Smith's latest, Zack and Miri Make a Porno, has so much fun with the absurdity of amateur porn, it's a compliment to Smith and his game cast for never losing sight of their character's reality. Best example is an exchange between a gay couple, played pitch perfect by Brandon Routh and Justin Long.

In typical Smith dialog (keen, ribald, and unapologetic as ever), each shares the difficulties of being in a committed relationship. Especially when one partner is reluctant to come out and the other is a gay porn star. The scene is brief, hilarious, but clearly indicative of where this movie's heart is.

Long is particularly good here. His affliction is so genuine; equal in publicizing his love and his films. Watch Your Mouth or I'll Fuck It, is the GREATEST name for a porno movie ever. Gay or straight. Smith hasn't been this good since Chasing Amy.

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