
Same Old New

America's National Pastime gets a fresh look this season as baseball's biggest market opens two stadiums. Someone named Nicolai Ouroussoff reviews the new homes for the New York Yankees and New York Mets from an architectural perspective.

Too Late

Sidney Lumet's masterful Before the Devil Knows You're Dead is a bleak affair of family staking family for easy gains and fast cash. It is not unlike Fargo in how a full proof heist goes awry almost immediately. This is the sort of plan that should never be planned. And like the Coen's, Lumet is as interested in the humanity behind the scheme. The above clip is just that. The schemer, Philip Seymour Hoffman, seeks refuge from a backwards reality; down is up, left is right, and hell is 60-stories high. There is no heaven.


Only a Fool

Energy Wasting Day encourages all of us to do like Dan and use energy consequence free. To celebrate, locate all the empty electrical outlets in your home and fill them with Eden Pure space heaters. Mother Earth and your pocketbook will never know what hit them.


Rag and Bone

A free download of rappers rapping over White Stripe samples: the Stars & Stripes Project from Adrian Champion.


As expected, cohabitation with the future Mrs. Gangsta has slowed posting on La Dolce Gangster to a few here, a few there. I imagine marriage will probably kill it. I will, as they say, keep hope alive. And with that comforting cliche in mind, here's a photo of our president back in the sugar cane days. Thanks to Sneak Thief for the pic and the Mij for the headline.